
I'm Roberto Viquez

And this is

my journey...

On Site • January 2019 - Present

Senior Software Developer at Asolvi AS

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For the last year+ I have been working on mantaining and updating the companies products.

Part of the job is also mantaining our CI/CD pipeline and automating as much processes as possible.

#.Net #Csharp #REST #mssql #javascript #html #azure #ci/cd
Travel • January 2019 - January 2019

Moved to Norway

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After several months of trying to apply to job outside of Costa Rica, finally got my opportunity!

Moving to Norway, get the bags ready.

#airplane #suitcases #laptop #cellphone #family
On site • April 2018 - May 2018

Senior Web Developer at Double Digit

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We developed and maintained ecommerce and web applications for multiple clients, defining and setting up standards of development.

#wordpress #drupal #joomla #javascript #bootstrap #aws
On site • November 2010 - February 2018

Application Developer at Intel Corporation

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Work on the Marketing, HR and IT for IT departments. We handled IT ticketing systems, Product Pipeline Dashboard for a Marketing VP and Marketing Automation and flow management tools.

Touch a little bit of the dark side and took temporary role as Scrum Master.

#eloqua #mulesoft #javascript #d3js #.net #bootstrap #scrum
On site • December 2005 - November 2010

IT Support Specialist at Intel Corporation

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We managed accounts for network, manufacturind and applications. Also maintenance of inactive users.

Automated certain processes utilizing scripts.

#customer service #system administration #active directory #account management
On site • September 1998 - November 2005

IT Support Specialist at Fincorp Propiedades S.A.

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Customer service calls of users of the web services provided by the Company.

Handled call escalations for issues received and scheduled shifts for the teams involved in customer service support.

#customer service #shift management
Photo by Johan Mouchet
Bachelor's degree • January 2010 - Present

Information Systems Engineering at Universidad Latrina de Costa Rica

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Started university but life got in the way! Almost done.

My credits are at about 75% of the required courses.

#DB #Java #.NET #algorithms #system management
Project • February 2018 - Present

Founder at RVO Development

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After my department went thorugh a restructuring I took the oportunity to establish my freelance company.

During this period had a couple of small business internal projects.

#html #javascript #customer management #finance #ci/cd
Roberto Viquez's profile picture
Roberto Viquez

Always learning never unlearning

@rviquez @viquez1980 @rviquez